City Briefs - Feb 2025

BET Leadership
The Board of Estimate and Taxation (BET), which sets the maximum property tax levy and coordinates taxing and borrowing for the city, has reelected Steve Brandt as president and Samantha Pree-Stinson as vice president.  Cathy Abene was also reappointed to serve as the Minneapolis Park & Recreation Board member. The other members are Council Vice President Aisha Chughtai, Mayor Jacob Frey, and Council President Elliott Payne. 
MPD off-duty fees
The City Council’s Public Health and Safety Committee will hold a public hearing on a proposed off-duty fees ordinance on Jan. 22 starting at 1:30 p.m. People can testify in person or submit comment in writing any time to The city council is expected to vote on the ordinance on Jan. 27. For more information visit  
Gas and electric franchise agreements
The city has published draft franchise agreements with the current electric and gas utility companies, Xcel and CenterPoint. The agreements, if approved by the city council, will allow the companies to continue having exclusive rights to provide natural gas and electricity in the city until Dec. 2034. They also include memorandums-of-understanding that re-establish the Minneapolis Clean Energy Partnership, a collaboration between the city and the utilities to help Minneapolis reach its climate equity plan goals. The documents are available on the city website for review prior to the public hearing before the city council’s climate and infrastructure committee tentatively set for Feb. 6. 
Step Up internships
Applications are now open for 14-21-year-olds to apply for the city’s Step Up summer employment program. Internships at public, private, nonprofit and community organizations will be available, with applications are open until Feb. 14. 
Partnership engagement funds
The city is now accepting applications from community-based groups and individuals to fund small-scale projects aimed at making communities more socially connected, healthy and safe. Those interested are required to complete an interest form before starting applications. Interest forms are due by Feb. 19.
City planning commission
The city council has approved the appointment of Ward 9 resident, Michael Gordon, to the city’s planning commission that will run from Feb. 1, 2025 to Dec. 31, 2026. He will serve as one of the two city-resident members on this commission that reviews applications for land use reviews, including site plan reviews and conditional use permits, and makes recommendations to the city council on rezonings, public land sales, as well as amendments to the zoning code and comprehensive plan. 
New Southside arts commissioner
The city council has appointed southside Ward 12 resident Kelly McKay to serve on the Minneapolis Arts Commission for the next two years, ending Dec. 31, 2027.  McKay, an arts educator and administrator with a theatre background, currently works as the director of education at the Museum of Russian Art. The commission advises the council, mayor and city staff specifically on the purchase and placement of public art and more general on developing a strong and vital arts community throughout the city.


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